Sunday, 15 July 2012

2012 - January - July 17

Another year started with explosive force - I finished my degree in Sociology over the summer session and picked up the Graduate Diploma in TESOL for Autumn, where I made some awesome new friends.
Ann's 31st was fun up in Sydney we watched the Circus le Clique at the Oprah House. We attended Soundwave which was tediously fun and for the rest of Feb-March-April-May we completed all necessary visa applications, correlated all our paperwork and sorted out the technicalities of getting back to London. In hindsight things moved quick and suddenly we have found ourselves obtaining the goal we set early in 2010. Along the way we had fun as usual, hung-out with our great family and friends, and got amongst some Kulture!!!!

Now we had to think about moving house, packing our stuff up and selling it or sending it to London, and unfortunately (cause we can't shrink everyone down and fit them all in our backpacks) have to start saying our goodbyes. So in June we went up to Coffs with Ma n Pa Ham to see Grandma and Grandad, then we went on to Grafton to see Josh and Tamara, Lozzie in Lismore and then flew back to Sydney from Ballina. x

2nd January - North Beach, Wollongong

LO! At Yours N Bowels

31 year old Ann

Soundwave 2012


Jobson Ave. 2519.

Wolongong Harbour

Ann at Aqua

Yanagi and Mak-a-boy




Who do you think enjoyed Disney on Ice most?  Thanks Sven for the tickets!!!

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