Saturday, 14 July 2012


We headed to the UK for NYE 2010 and spent a month or so with Ann's parents. During this time we decided that I would start University when I got back to Australia and we would live with my parents who just moved up from Cooma to the 'Gong. It was the first time we had started out with a solid plan of attack - I would do Uni - get skilled up and eventually we would head back to the UK so Ann could do her thing.

Christmas and NYE in London is always fun. The lights, the snow, the cold air the millions of people, the pubs, clubs and creatures of the night. . One of the things Ann and I love most about London is the fact you can never truly know every nook and cranny of the city, you can never really say there is nothing to do. From museums and galleries to events, shows, gigs, - whatever your flavour London has something for you to check out, get excited over and ponder on. Added to this for our experience is Ann's parents. Brenda and Rich have so much knowledge and experience with their city to share - when you visit a memorial, an old manor or anything historical with them it is like having your very own personal tour guide. Added you stop for a little dribble of tea and a sandwich - they love to share their city with us and make it always a really special occasion.

Anish Kapoor

Hampton Court

Tower of London

Lyn's mates - out to play!


Turkey Cutters

Santa's Little Freak!!

London Zoo

Banksy - Camden Lock

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