Thursday, 2 August 2012

Batu City, Hot Springs, Selecta gardens and Condo Rondo waterfall - East Java

Batu City is just outside of Malang, it is an orchid area famous for the apples produced there, along with other fresh fruit and veggies. Selecta hosts a garden and theme park specifically for tourism, it was nice to walk around and we found some interesting things in the gardens - like statues and animals and pretty flowers. On our way to Batu we stopped off at a hot spring for a little dip in the pools, it was nice and warm and a bit of fun. Condo Rondo is a massive waterfall in East Java and wasn't too far from Batu City. We went for a look, ate some corn, feed the monkeys, then headed into Batu City to see the locals celebrate Ramadan.

Hot Springs - air panas cangar


Hammoco - our driver

Coban Rondo waterfall

Monkeys a a little crazy in this area - they try to take the food you give them and hisss at you. I don't blame them though, if I had huge things that looked like me trying to pester, take photos and force feed me on a daily basis I would probably have a go back.

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